Bill Owens: 50th Anniversary Suburbia Collection
- Bill and Janet Owens
- Sunday afternoon we get it together…
- My dad thinks it a good idea to take all the leaves off the tree and rake up the yard…
- People throw away a lot of good things…
- I don’t feel that Richie playing with guns will have a negative effect…
- Reagan on TV
- Last year I got 4 pounds of candy…
- Because we live in the suburbs…
- Bonnie and Bob’s Refrigerator
- Saturday Morning, and we are on our way.
- I bought the lawn in six-foot rolls…
- My husband, Pat, has a theory about watering our newly seeded lawn…
- Andrew doesn’t like to go to the bathroom alone.
- We’re really happy. Our kids are healthy, we eat good food, and we have a realty nice home.
- There is nothing to do in Suburbia.
- Tuo-Tuo, our dog, is a very expensive household pet…
- Toaster Cozy and Corkscrew
- I enjoy giving a Tupperware party in my home…
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday… and Friday I have my hair done.
- Progressive Dinner Party
- Joy of Cooking
- Built Expressly for Edwards
- When we moved into the house, the first thing we bought was a TV.
- I believe in strict discipline…
- Nixon on TV
- Girl with Dart Gun
- We like to play war.
- This isn’t what we really want-the tract house, the super car, etc…
- Before the dissolution of our marriage…
- Vanity with Get Set and Wedding Ring
- I put my hair up once or twice a week…
- We feel most people have the wrong attitude towards sex…
- Cleo and James Pruden
- I enjoy cooking, dogs, cats, kids, soccer, and living here.
- This is our second annual Fourth of July block party…
- We had a ball on the fourth of July…
Bill Owens – 50th Anniversary Suburbia Collection
2022 release from True North Editions
36 archival pigment prints on 17″ x 22″ sheet
Edition of 8 + 2AP