Summer Contemporary Show
- Jim Banks, Falling Water, Bridalveil Fall, Yosemite National Park, CA, 2017
- Sarah Christianson, Highland Lutheran Church, January 2017
- Monica Denevan, Ahwahnee Hotel in the Mist, Yosemite National Park, 2019
- Monica Denevan, Mirror Lake Snowman, 2019
- Monica Denevan, El Capitan, Yosemite, 2019
- Monica Denevan, Hetch Hetchy Valley, 2019
- Joni Sternbach, 011119, 2001
- Nicolò Sertorio, 12T 365265mE 4510194mN, 2014
- Jim Banks, Oceano #6, Oceano California, 2012
- Sebastiao Salgado, Ice Berg Between Paulet Island and the Shetland Islands on the Antarctic, 2005
- Ben Nixon, Flooded Oaks, 2010
- Ansel Adams, Silverton, Colorado, 1951
- Sheila Metzner, Anthuriums, 1985
- Bill Heck, Dog and Cat, Mendocino, California, 1947
- Classic Torso, 1952
- Margo Davis, English Harbour, Antigua, 1967
- Ansel Adams, Winery Facade, Paul Masson Vineyards, 1959
Ansel Adams Photographs © Ansel Adams Courtesy of The Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust