Ruth Bernhard
The Eternal Body: A Collection of Fifty Nudes
By Margaretta Mitchell (author), Ruth Bernhard (photographer)
Published by: Chronicle Books, 2002
Ruth Bernhard: The Eternal Body was the first collection of Bernhard’s forty year study of the nude to be presented in a single, elegantly bound monograph. The photographs selected, many of which have never been exhibited, unveil the true range of her feminine genius.
Bernhard’s intense, studied camera work had produced images of he human form that clearly transcend the boundaries between the spirit and the flash. This collection expresses her lifelong passion to understand the effects of light on the body and to reveal it in its purest form. Each illustrious photograph contains a classic perfection, giving it a sense of the eternal and making it a timeless masterpiece of the human figure.
Complete with an insightful overview of Ruth Bernhard’s artistry and working life, this landmark volume offers the viewer a stunning array of fifty master prints by one of the most significant artists of our time, revealing a unique and personal vision of the human body that is as breathtaking as it is profound.